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Fixing broken folder classes in CommuniGate Pro 5.4

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I'm not sure how far back IMAP folders were "classed" in CommuniGate Pro (I should look), however today, when logging in via webmail to accept a calendar invite, I noticed that my calendar wasn't showing as a calendar, but instead like a plain IMAP folder.

The folder class was apparently missing. The manual states that classes may be assigned using the CLI. So, a quick telnet session later (I'm behind the firewall with the server; the CGP CLI port is not exposed to the internet), and I was able to confirm that there was no class assigned to the folder:

getmailboxinfo <myaccount> mailbox "Calendar"
200 data follow
  BoxSeq =  #346714522;
  Messages =  #0;
  Size =  #0;
  UIDNext =  #1;
  UIDValidity =  #353155994;
  Unseen =  #0;

That's not good. Opening the calendar from webmail simply shows a list of appointments as though they were emails (times and dates, but not in a calendar grid, and attempting to accept an invite with that set as the default/single calendar yields nothing).

The problem is that the manual doesn't state what the string should be to set a folder's class to that of a calendar. So, I created a test calendar, and got the information from there:

getmailboxinfo <myaccount> mailbox "Test Calendar"
200 data follow
  BoxSeq =  #346714522;
  Class =  IPF.Appointment;
  Messages =  #0;
  Size =  #0;
  UIDNext =  #1;
  UIDValidity =  #353155994;
  Unseen =  #0;

From that, I simply set the same class for my real calendar:

setmailboxclass <myaccount> mailbox Calendar class IPF.Appointment
200 OK

So, it looks like the folder class strings are:

Calendar IPF.Appointment
Contacts IPF.Contact
Notes IPF.StickyNote
Tasks IPF.Task

Happy foldering!

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