Navigating Coinbase’s customer support
A company with which I am involved recently reconfigured its Coinbase account. This was precipitated by a change in the Stripe API, where Stripe shifted away from to another exchange for handling cryptocurrencies.
So, while this company had a prior arm's length arrangement with Coinbase, it never actually had to deal with the entity directly...until recently.
Google’s HTTPS Everywhere initiative: not so fast…
It seems that Google has a new factor to consider for web rankings: HTTPS.
I understand the allure of encryption. Heck, I use StartPage as my search site, and all of my searches go over HTTPS. The problem is that HTTPS is expensive.
A sincere apology to users of my YUM repo mirror
You see, it all started in January, when I decided to do a good deed (I should have known better). I set up a YUM repository mirror for, as OS/2 now uses RPM and YUM for (some) package management (I have a post in draft on that whole issue). It turns out, however, that for reasons which I shall explain, the xml (and related) files in my mirror weren't getting updated, so while I was doing a great job of adding content, I wasn't updating the repo information, so subscribers had no idea.
So, for all of you out there who have come to rely over the past couple of months on my US mirror of the Netlabs YUM repository, I most humbly apologize for the inconvenience. It's fixed now, though.
Removing the WP Post to PDF icon in WPTouch Pro
This is a follow-up to an earlier post I did, which dealt with removing the WP Post to PDF icon in the free version of WPTouch. I've since registered for the Pro version of WPTouch, and the solution is a bit more elegant (and less obvious).
Cloud adoption brings unexpected costs, KPMG survey says
I don't know what might ever sway my opinion of the utter uselessness of "moving to the Cloud" (ever see a cloud with a floor under it?)... Indeed, there are uses for everything, and even I have an Evernote account. However, that does not mean that I am not careful about exactly what I store in my cloud-based notebook, including the potential risks to privacy and matters of a critical nature, to which should I lose access for any period of time, it could mean a considerable inconvenience or worse.