Google’s HTTPS Everywhere initiative: not so fast…
It seems that Google has a new factor to consider for web rankings: HTTPS.
I understand the allure of encryption. Heck, I use StartPage as my search site, and all of my searches go over HTTPS. The problem is that HTTPS is expensive.
Some thoughts on my friend and colleague, Howard Plotnik
Clients and friends have heard me say the words many times over the years, "no worries; I'll order one up from Howie," or "I'll ask Howie about what fits that connector." For well over two decades, Howie and I maintained a close personal friendship and a good professional one.
Conditional menus for WordPress with the Suffusion theme and mega menus
The Rosenthal & Rosenthal site is undergoing a major revamp, moving from a static, all-Flash (yech) accumulation of static pages and compiled Flash objects to WordPress 3.8.1.
In addition to rebuilding on a stable platform, the redesign plan involves a number of new features, some of which I'll document here on my personal blog to try to contribute to the community 1.
- I truly dislike the phrase "give back," as I've not taken anything; I do, however, contribute, as I can. ↩
Archiving JFS service logs on OS/2
Quick refresher:
IBM ported JFS from AIX to OS/2 for release with Warp Server for e-Business in 1999 1, and it ultimately made its way into the Warp 4 client a few months later. Anecdotal evidence (read: my own personal conversations with people who know) says that the port was pretty rough around the edges, and much of the utilities were left in barely-usable condition (many people to this day shy away from defragfs on OS/2). The hope (or so I'm told) was that a third party 2 would develop a better set of tools at some point down the road.
- Wikipedia: JFS (file system) ↩
- ISV, in IBM-speak, or Independent Software Vendor ↩
Working around the broken RSS feed code in Joomla! 3.2
I'll probaby backfill some more tips & tricks I've picked up this past week, during an upgrade of a client's site from Joomla! 1.5.22 to 3.2, but in the meantime, as this seems to be a nagging bug (well a collection of them; not necessarily a swarm or even a hive, but a colony, nonetheless), I figured I should get something posted about it to hopefully save someone else an hour or two of poking (and testing modules to just replace the built-in feed module, anyway).
Enabling Extended Attribute support in a Thecus N2200-EVO
In a related post to my notes on enabling extended attribute support for the Synology DiskStation DS212j, I've managed to accomplish the same task somewhat more elegantly in the Thecus offering. As compared to the Synology 2-bay unit, the Thecus is about the same size and price and offers similar functionality, with the added benefit of hot-swappable drive bays (though the "hot-swappable" part remains something to be proven to me; let's jet say that they are front-accessible, without screws to remove to extricate the drive caddies from the chassis). Getting EA support was considerably easier than with the Synology, as well.